Transportation & Court Security

The division was established in the early 1980s within the Sheriff’s Office due to the high number of court hearings and civil commitments. As the jail population grew over the years, so did the need for additional personnel to handle the duties of transporting inmates to court hearings.

Over the years the division has taken on additional duties which include: security requests, juvenile bookings and hearings, warrant arrests, responding to alarms, and committal hearings.

The main focus within the division is the safety and custody of inmates transported to court hearings, scheduled appointments, and transferring prisoners back to Woodbury County from other agencies around the country on outstanding charges (warrants).

The division arranges for and transfers inmates to prison after being sentenced on criminal cases and ordered to the Iowa Medical and Classification Center in Coralville or Mitchellville. After an inmate has been classified, placement is made and the inmate is then transferred to an (Iowa) state detention facility by the Department of Corrections.

The division is also responsible for serving civil commitments. All court-ordered committals begin with two applicants filling out an affidavit with the District Clerk of Court. The committal paperwork is then filed electronically and sent to the Judge for signature, returned to clerks for processing then given to this division for service and or placement on a Respondent.

The division also oversees the court security and electronic monitoring areas within the Sheriff’s Office.

Court security consists of an officer's presence during court proceedings to keep things calm. These court proceedings can be a variety of hearings from child custody cases to criminal cases.

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This content was printed from the County website at on February 19, 2025.