Agenda - 8/31/2010

A G E N D A*
Tuesday, august 31, 2010
9:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Claims and Informational Discussion of Agenda Items Listed
10:00 a.m. 2. Call Meeting to Order, Approval of Minutes of the August 24, 2010, Meeting
10:01 a.m. 3. Human Resource – J.D. Pellersels
a. Approval of Memorandum of Personnel Transaction
b. Authorize Chairman to Sign Authorization to Hire
c. Woodbury County Employee Flu Shots, Discussion and Authorization
10:05 a.m. 4. Board Administration/Public Bidder
Re: Approval of Resolution for a Tax Suspension for L.M.
10:06 a.m. 6. County Treasurer – Bob Knowler
Re: Approval of Tax Abatement on Taxes That are Uncollectable or Impractical to
Pursue Collection
10:07 a.m. 7. a. Approval of Resolution for Abatement of Taxes for City of Moville
b. Approval of Resolution for Abatement of Taxes for Boys Club of Sioux City
c. Approval of Resolution for Abatement of Taxes for Camp High Hopes
10:09 a.m. 8. Planning/Zoning – John Pylelo
Re: Rezoning Petition for Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Portion of GIS Parcel
Consideration of Ordinance Rezoning Property from AP (Agricultural
Preservation) to GC (General Commercial
Approval to Suspend Second and Third Reading
10:15 a.m. 9. $1,200,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2010
(Set time) a. Public Hearing on the Authorization of a Loan Agreement and the Issuance of
Notes to Evidence the Obligation of the County Thereunder
b. Resolution Instituting Proceedings to Take Additional Action
c. Resolution Directing the Acceptance of Proposal to Purchase
10:20 a.m. 10. Siouxland District Health – Fran Sadden
Re: Consideration of Match Funds for MRHD Grant
10:25 a.m. 11. Homeland Security - Michelle Skaff
Re: Approval of indirect cost proposal for 2009 grant expenditures.
10:30 a.m. 12. Rural Economic Development – Rob Marqusee
Approval Resolution Establishing Recovery Zone
Discussion and Action on Investing in Woodbury County Loan Program Description
A G E N D A* (Tentative)
Tuesday, AUGUST 31, 2010
10:35 a.m. 13. Secondary Roads – Mark Nahra
Consideration of Certificate of Completion for Project Number G-2009-
Maintenance Gravel with Hallett Material
Consideration of Certificate of Completion for Project Number G-2009A- Deicing
Sand with Hallett Material
Consideration of Certificate of Completion for Entrance Bridge O-89-1 with
Kooiker Inc
10:40 a.m. 14. Hearing of any Individual/Group to Make a Presentation of Item(s) Not on the Agenda
and Supervisors’ Concerns
Subject to Additions/Deletions
WED. SEPT. 1 12:00 noon District Board of Health Meeting, 1014 Nebraska St.
THURS., SEPT. 2 5:00 p.m. Conservation Board Meeting, Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center,
Stone Park
TUES., SEPTEMBER 7 7:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers
WED. SEPT. 8 7:30 a.m. Woodbury County Information Communication
Commission, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers
6:30 p.m. Woodbury County Solid Waste Agency (Sanitary Landfill)
Executive Committee Meeting, Public Safety Center, Climbing
7:30 p.m. 911 Service Board Meeting, Public Safety Center, Climbing Hill
8:00 p.m. County’s Mayor Association Meeting, Public Safety
Center, Climbing Hill
THUR., SEPT. 9 7:00 p.m. Siouxland Mental Health Center, Board Meeting, 625 Court St.
12:00 p.m. SIMPCO Board of Directors, 1122 Pierce St, Sioux City,
TUES., SEPT. 14 10:00 a.m. Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting, 313 Cook Street
WED., SEPT. 15 12:00 noon Siouxland Economic Development Corporation Meeting, Marina
THUR., SEPT. 16 11:00 a.m. Siouxland Regional Transit Systems (SRTS) Board
Meeting, SIMPCO Office, 1122 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa
TUES., SEPT. 21 4:30 p.m. Community Action Agency of Siouxland Board Meeting, 2700
Leech Avenue
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