Minutes - 11/15/2016

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, November 15, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. Board members present were Monson, Ung, Taylor, Smith, and Clausen. Staff members present were Dennis Butler, Budget/Tax Analyst, Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Ed Gilliland, Human Resources Director, Abigail Sills, Assistant County Attorney and Patrick Gill, Auditor /Clerk to the Board.
The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence.
There were no citizen concerns.
Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve the Agenda for November 15, 2016. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Smith second by Clausen to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2016 Board meeting. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Taylor second by Ung to approve the claims totaling $478,890.82. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Steve Hofmeyer, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, announced there were total 273 provisional and after-election ballots, of which 226 were accepted and added to the tally and 273 were rejected.
President/Vice President
Hillary Clinton/Tim Kaine Received sixteen thousand two hundred ten (16210) votes
Donald J. Trump/Michael R. Pence Received twenty-four thousand seven hundred twenty-seven (24727)
Republican votes
Gary Johnson/Bill Weld Received one thousand one hundred seventy-nine (1179) votes
Libertarian Party
Lynn Kahn/Jay Stolba Received ninety-three (93) votes
New Independent Party Iowa Darrell L. Castle/Scott N. Bradley Received two hundred seven (207) votes
Constitution Party
Jill Stein/Ajamu Baraka Received three hundred twenty-four (324) votes Iowa
Green Party
Dan R. Vacek/Mark G. Elworth Received one hundred fifty-one (151) votes
Legal Marijuana Now Gloria La Riva/Dennis J. Banks Received twelve (12) votes
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Rocky Roque De La Fuente/Michael Steinberg Received twelve (12) votes
Nominated By Petition
Evan McMullin/Nathan Johnson Received two hundred thirty-four (234) votes
Nominated By Petition
Candidate Total Forty-three thousand one hundred forty-nine (43149) votes
SCATTERING Five hundred sixty-nine (569) votes
TOTAL Forty-three thousand seven hundred eighteen (43718) votes
State Representative District 005
Chuck Holz Received two thousand three hundred sixty-nine (2369) votes
Patrick E. Ritz Received seven hundred thirty-two (732) votes
Candidate Total Three thousand one hundred one (3101) votes
SCATTERING Three (3) votes
TOTAL Three thousand one hundred four (3104) votes
State Representative District 006
Jim Carlin Received nine thousand six hundred fifty-five (9655) votes
Perla J. Alarcon-Flory Received five thousand eighty-six (5086) votes
Candidate Total Fourteen thousand seven hundred forty-one (14741) votes
SCATTERING Thirty-eight (38) votes
TOTAL Fourteen thousand seven hundred seventy-nine (14779) votes
State Representative District 013
Shaun Broyhill Received four thousand three hundred sixty-five (4365) votes
Chris Hall Received seven thousand twenty-seven (7027) votes
Candidate Total Eleven thousand three hundred ninety-two (11392) votes
SCATTERING Sixteen (16) votes
TOTAL Eleven thousand four hundred eight (11408) votes
State Representative District 014
Robert Henderson Received five thousand one hundred twenty-six (5126) votes
Timothy H. Kacena Received five thousand three hundred sixty-five (5365) votes
Candidate Total Ten thousand four hundred ninety-one (10491) votes
SCATTERING Twenty-two (22) votes
TOTAL Ten thousand five hundred thirteen (10513) votes
State Representative District 017
Matt W. Windschitl Received one thousand five hundred forty-six (1546) votes
Jan Creasman Received four hundred ninety (490) votes
Candidate Total Two thousand thirty-six (2036) votes
SCATTERING Five (5) votes
TOTAL Two thousand forty-one (2041) votes
United States Representative District 4
Kim Weaver Received eighteen thousand five hundred sixty-seven (18567) votes
Steve King Received twenty-three thousand eight hundred seventy-seven
Republican (23877) votes
Candidate Total Forty-two thousand four hundred forty-four (42444) votes
SCATTERING Ninety (90) votes
TOTAL Forty-two thousand five hundred thirty-four (42534) votes
United States Senator
Patty Judge Received thirteen thousand nine hundred nine (13909) votes
Charles E. Grassley Received twenty-seven thousand one hundred sixty-six (27166) votes
Charles Aldrich Received one thousand fifteen (1015) votes
Libertarian Party
Jim Hennager Received seven hundred ninety (790) votes
New Independent Party Iowa
Michael Luick-Thrams Received ninety-five (95) votes
Nominated By Petition
Candidate Total Forty-two thousand nine hundred seventy-five (42975) votes
SCATTERING Thirty-seven (37) votes
TOTAL Forty-three thousand twelve (43012) votes
Arlington Township Trustee
Joey Edmund Bremer Received one hundred two (102) votes
Faith A. Lambert Received one hundred twenty-nine (129) votes
Candidate Total Two hundred thirty-one (231) votes
SCATTERING Two (2) votes
TOTAL Two hundred thirty-three (233) votes
We therefore declare:
Joey Edmund Bremer duly elected for the office of Arlington Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Faith A. Lambert duly elected for the office of Arlington Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Banner Township Trustee
Charles Hoelker Received five (5) votes
Craig Brockhaus Received two (2) votes
Candidate Total Seven (7) votes
SCATTERING Four (4) votes
TOTAL Eleven (11) votes
We therefore declare:
Craig Brockhaus duly elected for the office of Banner Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Charles Hoelker duly elected for the office of Banner Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Banner Township Trustee-2 Yr Vacancy
Brian Mc Naughton Received one (1) votes
Candidate Total One (1) votes
SCATTERING Four (4) votes
TOTAL Five (5) votes
We therefore declare:
Brian Mc Naughton duly elected for the office of Banner Township Trustee-2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Concord Township Trustee
Howard Mesz Received three hundred eighty-two (382) votes
Kirk V. Flammang Received four hundred sixty-seven (467) votes
Candidate Total Eight hundred forty-nine (849) votes
SCATTERING Three (3) votes
TOTAL Eight hundred fifty-two (852) votes
We therefore declare:
Kirk V. Flammang duly elected for the office of Concord Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Howard Mesz duly elected for the office of Concord Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Floyd Township Trustee
Kenneth Johnson Received one hundred ninety-eight (198) votes
Donald Wohlert Received two hundred sixteen (216) votes
Candidate Total Four hundred fourteen (414) votes
SCATTERING Two (2) votes
TOTAL Four hundred sixteen (416) votes
We therefore declare:
Kenneth Johnson duly elected for the office of Floyd Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Donald Wohlert duly elected for the office of Floyd Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Floyd Township Clerk 2 Yr Vacancy
Joyce Roeschke Received two (2) votes
Candidate Total Two (2) votes
SCATTERING Six (6) votes
TOTAL Eight (8) votes
We therefore declare:
Joyce Roeschke duly elected for the office of Floyd Township Clerk 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Grange Township Trustee
Ernest C. Gigaroa Received sixty-five (65) votes
Bryce Gerking Received seventy-four (74) votes
Candidate Total One hundred thirty-nine (139) votes
SCATTERING One (1) votes
TOTAL One hundred forty (140) votes
We therefore declare:
Bryce Gerking duly elected for the office of Grange Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Ernest C. Gigaroa duly elected for the office of Grange Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Grant Township Trustee
Patrick Maguire Received seventy-eight (78) votes
Mark A. Bumsted Received forty-eight (48) votes
Candidate Total One hundred twenty-six (126) votes
SCATTERING Five (5) votes
TOTAL One hundred thirty-one (131) votes
We therefore declare:
Mark A. Bumsted duly elected for the office of Grant Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Patrick Maguire duly elected for the office of Grant Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Kedron Township Trustee
John Beeson Received eighty-two (82) votes
Candidate Total Eighty-two (82) votes
SCATTERING Zero (0) votes
TOTAL Eighty-two (82) votes
We therefore declare:
John Beeson duly elected for the office of Kedron Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Lakeport Township Trustee
Hubert Pepin Received eighty-one (81) votes
John Stensland Received seventy-two (72) votes
Candidate Total One hundred fifty-three (153) votes
SCATTERING Zero (0) votes
TOTAL One hundred fifty-three (153) votes
We therefore declare:
Hubert Pepin duly elected for the office of Lakeport Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. John Stensland duly elected for the office of Lakeport Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Liberty Township Trustee
Wade Brown Received two hundred fifty (250) votes
Ryan Waite Received one hundred ninety-seven (197) votes
Candidate Total Four hundred forty-seven (447) votes
SCATTERING Four (4) votes
TOTAL Four hundred fifty-one (451) votes
We therefore declare:
Wade Brown duly elected for the office of Liberty Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Ryan Waite duly elected for the office of Liberty Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Liston Township Trustee
Marshall L. Sohm Received seventy (70) votes
WRITE-IN Gary Dose Received eighteen (18) votes
Candidate Total Eighty-eight (88) votes
SCATTERING Two (2) votes TOTAL Ninety (90) votes
We therefore declare:
Gary Dose duly elected for the office of Liston Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Marshall L. Sohm duly elected for the office of Liston Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Liston Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy
Adam J. Cameron Received seventy-four (74) votes
Candidate Total Seventy-four (74) votes
SCATTERING One (1) votes TOTAL Seventy-five (75) votes
We therefore declare:
Adam J. Cameron duly elected for the office of Liston Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Little Sioux Township Trustee
Paul Frahm Received two (2) votes
Dick Hallowell Received two (2) votes
Candidate Total Four (4) votes
SCATTERING Six (6) votes TOTAL Ten (10) votes
We therefore declare:
Paul Frahm duly elected for the office of Little Sioux Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Dick Hallowell duly elected for the office of Little Sioux Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Miller Township Trustee
Matthew Berning Received ninety-nine (99) votes
Jason Mahrt Received seven (7) votes
Candidate Total One hundred six (106) votes
SCATTERING Six (6) votes
TOTAL One hundred twelve (112) votes
We therefore declare:
Matthew Berning duly elected for the office of Miller Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Jason Mahrt duly elected for the office of Miller Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Morgan Township Trustee
Kirk Petersen Received three (3) votes
Jason Hamann Received three (3) votes
Candidate Total Six (6) votes
SCATTERING Nine (9) votes
TOTAL Fifteen (15) votes
We therefore declare:
Jason Hamann duly elected for the office of Morgan Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Kirk Petersen duly elected for the office of Morgan Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Moville Township Trustee
Andrew McGill Received five (5) votes
Robert Arnold Received four (4) votes
Candidate Total Nine (9) votes
SCATTERING Nine (9) votes
TOTAL Eighteen (18) votes
We therefore declare:
Robert Arnold duly elected for the office of Moville Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Andrew McGill duly elected for the office of Moville Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Moville Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy
Wally Kuntz Received one hundred thirty-three (133) votes
Candidate Total One hundred thirty-three (133) votes
SCATTERING Three (3) votes
TOTAL One hundred thirty-six (136) votes
We therefore declare:
Wally Kuntz duly elected for the office of Moville Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Moville Township Clerk 2 Yr Vacancy
Delores Arnold Received four (4) votes
Candidate Total Four (4) votes
SCATTERING Six (6) votes
TOTAL Ten (10) votes
We therefore declare:
Delores Arnold duly elected for the office of Moville Township Clerk 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Oto Township Trustee
Joe Collins Received sixty-seven (67) votes
David Dorale Received fifty-eight (58) votes
Candidate Total One hundred twenty-five (125) votes
SCATTERING Zero (0) votes
TOTAL One hundred twenty-five (125) votes
We therefore declare:
Joe Collins duly elected for the office of Oto Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. David Dorale duly elected for the office of Oto Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Oto Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy
Alan Weber Received seventy-nine (79) votes
Candidate Total Seventy-nine (79) votes
SCATTERING Zero (0) votes
TOTAL Seventy-nine (79) votes
We therefore declare:
Alan Weber duly elected for the office of Oto Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Rock Township Trustee
Peter Tim Petersen Received fifty-three (53) votes
Jeffrey R. Henderson Received ninety-two (92) votes
Candidate Total One hundred forty-five (145) votes
SCATTERING Two (2) votes
TOTAL One hundred forty-seven (147) votes
We therefore declare:
Jeffrey R. Henderson duly elected for the office of Rock Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Peter Tim Petersen duly elected for the office of Rock Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Rutland Township Trustee
Ronald Bohle Received one hundred sixty-two (162) votes
Jeffrey W. Puttmann Received one hundred thirty-three (133) votes
Candidate Total Two hundred ninety-five (295) votes
SCATTERING Three (3) votes
TOTAL Two hundred ninety-eight (298) votes
We therefore declare:
Ronald Bohle duly elected for the office of Rutland Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Jeffrey W. Puttmann duly elected for the office of Rutland Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Sioux City School Board Director 1 Yr Vacancy
John Meyers Received sixteen thousand eight hundred twenty (16820) votes
Miyuki Nelson Received six thousand five hundred twenty-four (6524) votes
Candidate Total Twenty-three thousand three hundred forty-four (23344) votes
SCATTERING One hundred twenty-two (122) votes
TOTAL Twenty-three thousand four hundred sixty-six (23466) votes
We therefore declare:
John Meyers duly elected for the office of Sioux City School Board Director 1 Yr Vacancy for the term of 1 years.
Sloan Township Trustee
Maurice D. Wilt Received fifty-four (54) votes
Frederick E. Johnson Received forty-four (44) votes
Candidate Total Ninety-eight (98) votes SCATTERING One (1) votes
TOTAL Ninety-nine (99) votes
We therefore declare:
Frederick E. Johnson duly elected for the office of Sloan Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Maurice D. Wilt duly elected for the office of Sloan Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Union Township Trustee
Roy D. Linn Received eighty-seven (87) votes
Gary Hoppe Received one hundred six (106) votes
Candidate Total One hundred ninety-three (193) votes
SCATTERING One (1) votes
TOTAL One hundred ninety-four (194) votes
We therefore declare:
Gary Hoppe duly elected for the office of Union Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Roy D. Linn duly elected for the office of Union Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Westfork Township Trustee
Linda K. Baird Received one hundred nineteen (119) votes
Charles J. Schleis Received ninety-five (95) votes
Candidate Total Two hundred fourteen (214) votes
SCATTERING One (1) votes
TOTAL Two hundred fifteen (215) votes
We therefore declare:
Linda K. Baird duly elected for the office of Westfork Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Charles J. Schleis duly elected for the office of Westfork Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Willow Township Trustee
Deborah C. Sulsberger Received ninety-one (91) votes
David Folsom Received seventy-seven (77) votes
Candidate Total One hundred sixty-eight (168) votes
SCATTERING Two (2) votes
TOTAL One hundred seventy (170) votes
We therefore declare:
David Folsom duly elected for the office of Willow Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Deborah C. Sulsberger duly elected for the office of Willow Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Wolfcreek Township Trustee
Roger L. Wilson Received fifty-three (53) votes
Larry Fixsel Received sixty-two (62) votes
John Wilcox Received fifty-six (56) votes
Candidate Total One hundred seventy-one (171) votes
SCATTERING One (1) votes
TOTAL One hundred seventy-two (172) votes
We therefore declare:
Larry Fixsel duly elected for the office of Wolfcreek Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. John Wilcox duly elected for the office of Wolfcreek Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Wolfcreek Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy
Larry Fixsel Received one (1) votes
Candidate Total One (1) votes
SCATTERING Six (6) votes
TOTAL Seven (7) votes
We therefore declare:
Larry Fixsel duly elected for the office of Wolfcreek Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
County Extension
Thomas Ullrich Received eighteen thousand three hundred forty-six (18346) votes
Alan Ralston Received fourteen thousand nine hundred nine (14909) votes
Nidia Olga Rios Received seven thousand one hundred thirty-one (7131) votes
Carol Pribyl Nelson Received fifteen thousand six hundred eleven (15611) votes
Erin Small Received seventeen thousand seven hundred five (17705) votes
Candidate Total Seventy-three thousand seven hundred two (73702) votes
SCATTERING Three hundred twenty-six (326) votes
TOTAL Seventy-four thousand twenty-eight (74028) votes
We therefore declare:
Carol Pribyl Nelson duly elected for the office of County Extension for the term of 4 years. Alan Ralston duly elected for the office of County Extension for the term of 4 years. Erin Small duly elected for the office of County Extension for the term of 4 years. Thomas Ullrich duly elected for the office of County Extension for the term of 4 years.
Soil & Water Conservation
Charles Bromander Received eighteen thousand eight hundred eighty-four (18884) votes
Jason Yockey Received twenty-one thousand eight hundred forty-nine (21849) votes
Lane Tabke Received eighteen thousand three hundred sixty-one (18361) votes
Candidate Total Fifty-nine thousand ninety-four (59094) votes
SCATTERING Three hundred fifty-six (356) votes
TOTAL Fifty-nine thousand four hundred fifty (59450) votes
We therefore declare:
Charles Bromander duly elected for the office of Soil & Water Conservation for the term of 4 years. Lane Tabke duly elected for the office of Soil & Water Conservation for the term of 4 years. Jason Yockey duly elected for the office of Soil & Water Conservation for the term of 4 years.
County Auditor/Recorder/Commissioner of Elections
Patrick Gill Received twenty-five thousand two hundred five (25205) votes
Joanne Craig Received sixteen thousand six hundred twenty-five (16625) votes
Candidate Total Forty-one thousand eight hundred thirty (41830) votes
SCATTERING Fifty-seven (57) votes
TOTAL Forty-one thousand eight hundred eighty-seven (41887) votes
We therefore declare:
Patrick Gill duly elected for the office of County Auditor/Recorder/Commissioner of Elections for the term of 4 years.
County Sheriff
Dave Drew Received thirty-three thousand nine hundred ten (33910) votes
Candidate Total Thirty-three thousand nine hundred ten (33910) votes
SCATTERING Six hundred thirty-seven (637) votes
TOTAL Thirty-four thousand five hundred forty-seven (34547) votes
We therefore declare:
Dave Drew duly elected for the office of County Sheriff for the term of 4 years.
County Supervisor District 1
Jaclyn Smith Received eighteen thousand seven hundred eighteen (18718) votes
Keith W. Radig Received twenty-two thousand six hundred seventy-two (22672)
Republican votes
Candidate Total Forty-one thousand three hundred ninety (41390) votes
SCATTERING Sixty-nine (69) votes
TOTAL Forty-one thousand four hundred fifty-nine (41459) votes
We therefore declare: K
eith W. Radig duly elected for the office of County Supervisor District 1 for the term of 4 years.
County Supervisor District 3
Marty Pottebaum Received seventeen thousand seven hundred fifty-three (17753) votes
Brian Miller Received seventeen thousand three hundred (17300) votes
Mark Monson Received six thousand six hundred fifty-two (6652) votes
No Party
Candidate Total Forty-one thousand seven hundred five (41705) votes
SCATTERING Fifty (50) votes
TOTAL Forty-one thousand seven hundred fifty-five (41755) votes
We therefore declare:
Marty Pottebaum duly elected for the office of County Supervisor District 3 for the term of 4 years.
County Supervisor District 5
Bruce Garbe Received fourteen thousand seven hundred ninety-nine (14799) votes
Rocky DeWitt Received twenty thousand two hundred four (20204) votes
Gary P. Niles Received five thousand seven hundred eighty-four (5784) votes C
andidate Total Forty thousand seven hundred eighty-seven (40787) votes
SCATTERING Fifty-nine (59) votes
TOTAL Forty thousand eight hundred forty-six (40846) votes
We therefore declare:
Rocky DeWitt duly elected for the office of County Supervisor District 5 for the term of 4 years.
County Extension - Council Member - 2 Yr Vacancy
Don Wiese Received twenty-six thousand ninety-two (26092) votes
Candidate Total Twenty-six thousand ninety-two (26092) votes
SCATTERING Two hundred nineteen (219) votes
TOTAL Twenty-six thousand three hundred eleven (26311) votes
We therefore declare:
Don Wiese duly elected for the office of County Extension - Council Member - 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Woodbury Township Trustee
Cindy Wulf-McGrath Received three hundred sixty-six (366) votes
Dan Hunter Received four hundred fifty-eight (458) votes
Candidate Total Eight hundred twenty-four (824) votes
SCATTERING Six (6) votes
TOTAL Eight hundred thirty (830) votes
We therefore declare:
Dan Hunter duly elected for the office of Woodbury Township Trustee for the term of 4 years. Cindy Wulf-McGrath duly elected for the office of Woodbury Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy
Tyler Delashmutt Received three (3) votes
Candidate Total Three (3) votes
SCATTERING Seventeen (17) votes
TOTAL Twenty (20) votes
We therefore declare:
Tyler Delashmutt duly elected for the office of Woodbury Township Trustee 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
Woodbury Township Clerk 2 Yr Vacancy
Judy Monson Received five hundred nine (509) votes
Candidate Total Five hundred nine (509) votes
SCATTERING Six (6) votes
TOTAL Five hundred fifteen (515) votes
We therefore declare:
Judy Monson duly elected for the office of Woodbury Township Clerk 2 Yr Vacancy for the term of 2 years.
For the public measure
Supreme Court - Brent R. Appel
For the question, there were: Twenty thousand six hundred eighty-four (20684) votes
Against the question, there were: Nine thousand five hundred sixty-seven (9567) votes
TOTAL Thirty thousand two hundred fifty-one (30251) votes
GRAND TOTAL Thirty thousand two hundred fifty-one (30251) votes
For the public measure
Supreme Court - Mark S. Cady
For the question, there were: Twenty thousand four hundred thirty-one (20431) votes
Against the question, there were: Nine thousand five hundred seventeen (9517) votes
TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand nine hundred forty-eight (29948) votes
GRAND TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand nine hundred forty-eight (29948) votes
For the public measure
Supreme Court - Daryl L. Hecht
For the question, there were: Twenty thousand seven hundred fifteen (20715) votes
Against the question, there were: Nine thousand five hundred eighteen (9518) votes
TOTAL Thirty thousand two hundred thirty-three (30233) votes
GRAND TOTAL Thirty thousand two hundred thirty-three (30233) votes
For the public measure
Court of Appeals - David R. Danilson
For the question, there were: Twenty-one thousand three (21003) votes
Against the question, there were: Eight thousand one hundred fifty-three (8153) votes
TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand one hundred fifty-six (29156) votes
GRAND TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand one hundred fifty-six (29156) votes
For the public measure
Court of Appeals - Richard H. Doyle
For the question, there were: Twenty thousand eight hundred forty-three (20843) votes
Against the question, there were: Eight thousand one hundred fifty-four (8154) votes
TOTAL Twenty-eight thousand nine hundred ninety-seven (28997) votes
GRAND TOTAL Twenty-eight thousand nine hundred ninety-seven (28997) votes
For the public measure
Court of Appeals - Amanda Potterfield
For the question, there were: Twenty-one thousand sixty-eight (21068) votes
Against the question, there were: Seven thousand nine hundred forty-nine (7949) votes
TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand seventeen (29017) votes
GRAND TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand seventeen (29017) votes
For the public measure
Court of Appeals - Gayle Vogel
For the question, there were: Twenty thousand eight hundred sixty-two (20862) votes
Against the question, there were: Seven thousand nine hundred six (7906) votes
TOTAL Twenty-eight thousand seven hundred sixty-eight (28768) votes
GRAND TOTAL Twenty-eight thousand seven hundred sixty-eight (28768) votes
For the public measure
3B District Court - John D. Ackerman
For the question, there were: Twenty-three thousand four hundred ninety-one (23491) votes
Against the question, there were: Seven thousand one hundred twenty-six (7126) votes
TOTAL Thirty thousand six hundred seventeen (30617) votes
GRAND TOTAL Thirty thousand six hundred seventeen (30617) votes
For the public measure
3B District Court - Steven J. Andreasen
For the question, there were: Twenty-two thousand five hundred twenty (22520) votes
Against the question, there were: Seven thousand three hundred fifty-two (7352) votes
TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand eight hundred seventy-two (29872) votes
GRAND TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand eight hundred seventy-two (29872) votes
For the public measure
3B District Court - Jeffrey A. Neary
For the question, there were: Twenty-one thousand eight hundred eighty-seven (21887) votes
Against the question, there were: Eight thousand four hundred twenty-one (8421) votes
TOTAL Thirty thousand three hundred eight (30308) votes
GRAND TOTAL Thirty thousand three hundred eight (30308) votes
For the public measure
3B District Court - Patrick H. Tott
For the question, there were: Twenty-two thousand three hundred ninety-nine (22399) votes
Against the question, there were: Seven thousand four hundred eighty-three (7483) votes
TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand eight hundred eighty-two (29882) votes
GRAND TOTAL Twenty-nine thousand eight hundred eighty-two (29882) votes
Motion by Smith second by Monson to approve and receive the signatures the canvass of the 2016 General Election. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Presentation to connect the trail system from Le Mars, Merrill, Hinton, and Leeds from Jeff Stanley, Wells Enterprises, Inc. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Clausen to approve the appointment of Independence Henneous, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-16-16, $18.00/hour. Job Vacancy Posted 9-20-16. Entry Level Salary: $18.00/hour. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve the request of Sheryl Skaff to remain on the Health Insurance and Dental insurance. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve and authorize the Chairperson so sign a Resolution for tax suspension for Dan Baxter, 105 S. Center St., parcel #894729331007. Carried 5-0.
WHEREAS, Dan Baxter, is the titleholder of property located at 105 S. Center St., Sioux City, IA, Woodbury County, Iowa, and legally described as follows:
Parcel 8947 29 331 007
WHEREAS, Dan Baxter, is the titleholder of the aforementioned properties have petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a suspension of taxes pursuant to the 2009 Iowa Code section 427.9, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes from documents provided that the petitioner is unable to provide to the public revenue; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors hereby grants the request for a suspension of taxes, and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to so record the approval of this tax suspension for this property.
SO RESOLVED this 15th day of November, 2016.
Motion by Clausen second by Ung to approve the contract with Dixon Construction for project #L-B(D38)—73-97 for $397,174.00. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve the underground utility permit for CF Industries for installation of an electric line under CF Industries Drive. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board recessed for a meeting of the Wolf Creek Drainage District.
The Supervisors meeting was called back to order.
Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve 2016 Food Service Agreement between Woodbury County and CBM Managed Services. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve AIAC-132 “Law Enforcement Contract” for Construction Management Services between Woodbury County and the Baker Group. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Ung second by Taylor to approve Courthouse Steam Trap Project Repair and Replacement, and direct Resource Consulting Engineers to seek competitive bids. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Taylor second by Ung to set a public hearing for November 29, 2016 at 4:40 p.m. for Courthouse Steam Trap Repair and Replacement Project. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Chairperson reported on day to day activities.
The Board members reported on their committee meetings.
There were no citizen concerns.
Board members presented their concerns and comments.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until November 22, 2016.
Meeting sign in sheet. Copy filed.