Minutes - 10/26/2021

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 4:30 p.m. Board members present were Monson, Ung, De Witt, Radig, and Wright. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Dennis Butler, Budget Tax/Analyst, Joshua Widman, Assistant County Attorney, and Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.
The regular meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence.
There were no citizen concerns.
Motion by De Witt second by Monson to approve the agenda for October 26, 2021. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Radig to approve the following items by consent:
To approve minutes of the October 19, 2021 meeting. Copy filed.
To approve the claims totaling $413,325.54. Copy filed.
To receive the appointment of Eric Bebee, 100 5thAve., Hornick, IA, to fill the vacancy for City Council, City of Hornick, recently held by Derrick Fiedler, until the next regular/general Election. Copy filed.
To approve the appointment of Daven Dekok, P/T Courthouse Safety & Security Officer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 10-27-21, $18.60/hour. Job Vacancy Posted 5-26-21. Entry Level Salary: $17.78 to $19.53/hour.; the separation of Mark Monson, Board Member, Board of Supervisors Dept., effective 10-31-21. End of Temporary Appointment.; the transfer of Tammy Blackburn, Clerk III, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-01-21, $26.54/hour, 7.7%=$1.91/hour. Position Transfer from Clerk II to Clerk III.; the transfer of Molly Burnside, Clerk III, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-01-21, $26.54/hour, 7.7%=$1.91/hour. Position Transfer from Clerk II to Clerk III.; the transfer of Cara Newman, Clerk III, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-01-21, $26.54/hour, 7.7%=$1.91/hour. Position Transfer from Clerk II to Clerk III.; and the appointment of Rea Gonzalez, P/T Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., effective 11-01-21, $20.38/hour. Job Vacancy Posted 8-25-21. Entry Level Salary: $20.38/hour. Copy filed.
To approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the Authorization to initiate the hiring process for three (3) Clerk III, County Sheriff Dept., AFSCME Courthouse: $21.54/hour. Copy filed.
To approved and authorize the Chairperson to sign deauthorization position three (3) Senior Clerks, County Sheriff Dept. Copy filed.
To approve the underground utility permit for Telecom Construction (Lumen). Copy filed.
Carried 5-0.
Motion by De Witt second by Monson to approve the Impact 7G Processional Services Agreement. Carried 4-1; Radig opposed. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by De Witt to receive the 2021 report of the weed commissioner. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by De Witt to approve the selection of DGR Engineering for pipeline inspection work and request a contract for the work from DGR. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by Monson to receive for signatures a resolution establishing a level B road system for Woodbury County.
WHEREAS, the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors in accordance with Section 309.57, (Code of Iowa) as amended and Woodbury County Ordinance #17, held a public hearing on October 12, 2021 to consider assigning roads to level B classification, and
WHEREAS, Woodbury County, after consultation with the County Engineer, has the authority to specify certain roads within the County as Area Service “B” roads pursuant to Iowa Code Section 309.57,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors that has determined that the following roads are hereby classified as Area Service System B Roads:
Street Location
100th Street between Jasper Avenue & Jewell Avenue (Plymouth County line)
120th Street between Jewell Avenue & Knox Avenue
120th Street between Mason Avenue & Michigan Avenue
130th Street between Humbolt Avenue & Highway 140
130th Street between Jewell Avenue & Knox Avenue
130th Street between Knox Avenue & Kossuth Avenue
130th Street between Kossuth Avenue & Lee Avenue
130th Street between Lenox Avenue & Minnesota Ave
130th Street between Lucas Avenue & Lenox Avenue
140th Street between Jewell Avenue & Knox Avenue
145th Street east from Lenox Avenue
155th Street west of 3949 155th Street
160th Street between Hancock Ave & 2956 160th Street
170th Street between 2318 170th Street (Fayette Avenue) & Franklin Avenue
170th Street between 4511 170th Street (Story Avenue) & Taylor Avenue
170th Street between Humbolt Avenue & Hancock Avenue
170th Street between Moville Blacktop & Humbolt Avenue
180th Street between 3102 180th Street (Jasper Avenue) & 3197 180th Street (Jewell Avenue)
180th Street between Pocahontas Avenue & Safford Avenue
180th Street between Story Avenue & Taylor Avenue
190th Street between 2360 190th Street (Emmett Avenue) & 2460 190th Street (Garner Avenue)
190th Street between Grundy Avenue & Moville Blacktop
190th Street between Taylor Ave & 4687 190th Street (Union Avenue)
195th Street between 3112 195th Street (Jasper Avenue) & Knox Avenue
200th Street between 2343 200th Street (Emmett Avenue) & Garner Avenue
200th Street between Garner Avenue & northbound Grundy Avenue
210th Street between 2836 210th Street (Haskell Avenue) & Hancock Avenue
210th Street between 3110 210th Street (Jasper Avenue) & 3239 210th Street (Knox Avenue)
210th Street between Hancock Avenue & Ida Avenue
210th Street between Ida Avenue & Jasper Avenue
210th Street east of 4111 210th Street (O'Brien Avenue)
230th Street east of 1755 230th Street (Carroll Avenue)
240th Street between Dallas Avenue & Delaware Avenue
240th Street between Eastland Avenue & Old Highway 141
240th Street between Pocahontas Avenue & Safford Avenue
240th Street between Safford Avenue & Story Avenue
240th Street east from Delaware Avenue
240th Street west from Dallas Avenue
252nd Street between 260th Street & O'Brien Avenue
252nd Street between Lee Avenue & Lucas Avenue
260th Street between 2108 260th Street (Dallas Avenue) & Old Highway 141
260th Street between Grundy Avenue & 2663 260th Street (Moville Blacktop)
260th Street between King Avenue & Kossuth Avenue
260th Street between Knox Avenue & King Avenue
260th Street between Taylor Avenue & Union Avenue
260th Street east from Highway 31
260th Street west from Grundy Avenue
260th Street west of 3874 260th Street (Mason Avenue)
270th Street between 2006 270th Street (Dallas Avenue) & Emmett Avenue
270th Street between Emmett Avenue & Fayette Avenue
270th Street between Fayette Avenue & Old Highway 141
270th Street between Kossuth Avenue & Kona Avenue
270th Street west of 4093 270th Street (O'Brien Avenue)
280th Street between Ida Avenue & Jasper Avenue
280th Street east of 2937 280th Street (Hancock Avenue)
290th Street between 2103 290th Street (Eastland Avenue) & Emmett Avenue
290th Street between Emmett Avenue & Fayette Avenue
290th Street between Fayette Avenue & Franklin Avenue
290th Street between Franklin Avenue & 2489 290th Street (Garner Avenue)
290th Street west from Benton Avenue
298th Street east of 2663 298th Street
300th Street between Charles Avenue & Dallas Avenue
300th Street between Emmett Avenue & Fayette Avenue
300th Street between Garner Avenue & Grundy Avenue (Moville Blacktop)
300th Street between Owego Road & Franklin Avenue
300th Street east from Franklin Avenue
310th Street east from Highway 31
320th Street between Eastland Avenue & Emmett Ave
320th Street between Emmett Avenue & Fayette Avenue
320th Street between Fayette Avenue & Franklin Avenue
320th Street between Franklin Avenue & 2527 320th Street (Moville Blacktop)
320th Street between Humbolt Avenue & Hancock Avenue
320th Street between O'Brien Avenue southbound & 4195 320th Street (Osceola Avenue)
325th Street west from Moville Blacktop
Buchanan Avenue between Old Highway 75 & 275th Street
Charles Avenue between 130th Street & 1367 Charles Avenue (140th Street)
Delaware Avenue between 240th Street & 2450 Delaware Avenue (250th Street)
Eastland Avenue between 120th Street & 1277 Eastland Ave (130th Street)
Eastland Avenue between 2330 Eastland Avenue (Old Hwy 141) & 240th Street
Emmett Avenue between 270th Street & 280th Street
Emmett Avenue between 290th Street & 300th Street
Emmett Avenue between Highway 141 & 340th Street
Fayette Avenue between 270th Street & 280th Street
Franklin Avenue between 290th Street & 300th Street
Franklin Avenue between 300th Street & 310th Street
Franklin Avenue between 310th Street & 320th Street
Garner Avenue between 100th Street & 110th Street
Garner Avenue between 110th Street & 120th Street
Garner Avenue between 130th Street & 140th Street
Garner Avenue between 140th Street & 1437 Garner Avenue (150th Street)
Garner Avenue between 2717 Garner Avenue (270th Street) & 280th Street
Garner Avenue between 290th Street & 300th Street
Grundy Avenue between 210th Street & eastbound 220th Street
Haskell Avenue between 2132 Haskell Avenue (210th Street) & 220th Street
Humbolt Avenue north and east of 3081 Humbolt Avenue
Ida Avenue between 200th Street & 210th Street
Ida Avenue between 210th Street & 220th Street
Jasper Avenue between 100th Street & 110th Street
Jewell Avenue between Highway 20 & 160th Street
King Avenue between 258th Street & 260th Street
Knox Avenue between 260th Street & Deer Run Trail
Knox Avenue between 3041 Knox Avenue (Kossuth Avenue) & Old Highway 141
Kossuth Avenue between 2314 Kossuth Avenue (230th Street) & 245th Street
Kossuth Avenue between 260th Street & 270th Street
Kossuth Avenue between Highway 20 & 160th Street
Lenox Avenue between 1710 Lenox Avenue (170th Street) & 180th Street
Lucas Avenue between 100th Street & 110th Street
Lucas Avenue between 140th Street & 150th Street
Lucas Avenue between 150th Street & Highway 20
Lucas Avenue between 160th Street & 170th Street
Lucas Avenue between 1706 Lucas Avenue (170th Street) & 180th Street
Lucas Avenue between Highway 20 & 160th Street
Mason Avenue between 120th Street & 130th Street
Mason Avenue between 280th Street & Michigan Avenue
Michigan Avenue between 240th Street & 250th Street
Newton Path east from Osceola Avenue
Newton Path west from Osceola Avenue
Osceola Avenue between 2219 Osceola Avenue (220th Street) & 230th Street
Osceola Avenue between 230th Street & 240th Street
Osceola Avenue between 2909 Osceola Avenue (290th Street) & 300th Street
Osceola Avenue between 300th Street & Danbury Blacktop
Owego Road between Fayette Avenue & 300th Street
Pocahontas Avenue between 230th Street & 240th Street
Pocahontas Avenue between 240th Street & 250th Street
Pocahontas Avenue south from 335th Street to county line
Sidney Avenue between 190th Street & 1937 Sidney Avenue (200th Street)
Snake Trail west of 3438 Snake Trail
Story Avenue between 240th Street & 250th Street
Story Avenue between 250th Street & 260th Street
Story Avenue between Highway 20 & 160th Street
Taylor Avenue between 250th Street & 260th Street
Taylor Avenue south from 330th Street
Union Avenue between 290th Street & Highway 175
Wayside Avenue south from 1516 Wayside Avenue (Highway 20) to Cushing city limits
Woodbury-Ida Co. Line north from 3087 Woodbury-Ida County Line Road
Said level B status shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice of reduced maintenance are erected.
Passed and approved this 12th day of October, 2021
Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by De Witt to approve the certificate of completion of project #L-B(C278)—79-97 with Dixon Construction, Correctionville, IA, for $175,979.00. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by De Witt to approve the certificate of completion of project #L-B(C274)—73-97 with Prahm Construction, Slayton, MN, for $513,120.22. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by De Witt second by Radig to approve the contract for gravel purchase with Bedrock Gravel for $168,750.00. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Ung second by Radig to approve a new building for training at Prairie Hills using MRHD grant funds. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board heard reports on committee meetings.
There were no citizen concerns.
Board concerns were heard.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until November 2, 2021.
Meeting sign in sheet. Copy filed.
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