Minutes - 6/14/2022

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Board members present were Ung, Radig, De Witt, Taylor, and Wright. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Assistant, Dennis Butler, Budget and Finance Director, Melissa Thomas, Human Resources Director, and Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.
The regular meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence.
There were no citizen concerns.
Motion by Radig second by Taylor to approve the agenda for June 14, 2022, with the Whitepaper on use of ARPA funds for the New Justice Center item removed. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by De Witt to approve the following items by consent:
To approve minutes of the June 7, 2022 meeting. Copy filed.
To approve the claims totaling $788,095.39. Copy filed.
To approve the reclassification of Stacy Ritchie, Senior Clerk, Human Resources Dept., effective 06-13-22, $22.30/hour, 5%=$1.12/hour. Per Wage Plan comparability with AFSCME Courthouse Contract, from Grade 4/Step 3 to Grade 4/Step 4.; the appointment of Danielle Boeshart, Clerk II, County Treasurer Dept., effective 06-20-22, $17.78/hour. Job Vacancy Posted 4-21-22. Entry Level Salary: $17.78/hour.; and the separation of Ann Landers, MH Advocate Support, Rolling Hills Dept., effective 07-01-22. Retirement. Copy filed.
To approve the request of John Forch spouse to remain on County health insurance. Copy filed.
To receive the appointment of Chad White, 7558 Correctionville Rd., Lawton, IA, to fill the vacancy for Board Member District 1, Lawton Bronson Community School District, previously held by Rick Scott. Copy filed.
To approve a 12-month Cigarette/Tobacco Permit for HCI Heritage Express Company, 1501 330th St., Sloan, IA, effective 07/01/22 through 06/30/23. Copy filed.
Carried 5-0.
The Canvass was held for the Primary Election held on June 7, 2022.
It was reported by Steve Hofmeyer, Deputy Elections.
There were 10 (ten) provisional ballots of which were 7 (seven) accepted and added to the tally and 3 (three) were rejected. There were 2 (two) after-election ballots of which 1 (one) was accepted and added to the tally and 1 (one) was rejected.
United States Senator - Dem
Abby Finkenauer Received One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty-Eight (1,168) votes
Michael Franken Received One Thousand Four Hundred and Sixteen (1,416) votes
Glenn Hurst Received One Hundred and Seventy (170) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Total Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Six (2,756) votes
United States Representative District 4 - Dem
Ryan Melton Received Two Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty-Six (2,466) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Total Two Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty-Eight (2,468) votes
Governor - Dem
Deidre DeJear Received Two Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Seven (2,547) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Total Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty (2,550) votes
Secretary of State - Dem
Joel Miller Received One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Six (1,796) votes
Eric Van Lancker Received Six Hundred and Forty-Nine (649) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Two Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-Five (2,445) votes
Auditor of State - Dem
Rob Sand Received Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-One (2,551) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Two (2,552) votes
Treasurer of State - Dem
Michael L. Fitzgerald Received Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty (2,580) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty (2,580) votes
Secretary of Agriculture - Dem
John Norwood Received Two Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Nine (2,489) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Total Two Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-One (2,491) votes
Attorney General - Dem
Tom Miller Received Two Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty-Six (2,586) votes
Scattering Received Four (4) votes
Total Two Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety (2,590) votes
State Senator District 1 - Dem
Jackie Smith Received One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Four (1,554) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total One Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty-Four (1,554) votes
State Senator District 7 - Dem
Scattering Received Thirty-Four (34) votes
Total Thirty-Four (34) votes
State Representative District 1 - Dem
J.D. Scholten Received Six Hundred and Ninety-Two (692) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Total Six Hundred and Ninety-Four (694) votes
State Representative District 2 - Dem
Steve Hansen Received Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six (856) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six (856) votes
State Representative District 13 - Dem
Scattering Received Seven (7) votes
Total Seven (7) votes
State Representative District 14 - Dem
Scattering Received Twenty-Three (23) votes
Total Twenty-Three (23) votes
County Board of Supervisors District 2 - Dem
Jeremy Dumkrieger Received One Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Eight (1,488) votes
Maria Rundquist Received One Thousand One Hundred and Ninety-Six (1,196) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Total Two Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-Seven (2,687) votes
We therefore declare :
Jeremy Dumkrieger to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 2 - Dem.
County Board of Supervisors District 4 - Dem
Scattering Received Sixty-Nine (69) votes
Total Sixty-Nine (69) votes
County Treasurer - Dem
Scattering Received Fifty-Five (55) votes
Total Fifty-Five (55) votes
County Attorney - Dem
Patrick PJ Jennings Received Two Thousand Five Hundred and Seventeen (2,517) votes
Scattering Received Fifteen (15) votes
Total Two Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Two (2,532) votes
United States Senator - Rep
Jim Carlin Received Two Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-One (2,271) votes
Chuck Grassley Received Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Four (3,704) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Three (33) votes
Total Six Thousand and Eight (6,008) votes
United States Representative District 4 - Rep
Randy Feenstra Received Five Thousand Two Hundred and Forty-Nine (5,249) votes
Scattering Received One Hundred and Twenty-Four (124) votes
Total Five Thousand Three Hundred and Seventy-Three (5,373) votes
Governor - Rep
Kim Reynolds Received Five Thousand Six Hundred and Five (5,605) votes
Scattering Received Sixty-Four (64) votes
Total Five Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty-Nine (5,669) votes
Secretary of State - Rep
Paul D. Pate Received Five Thousand One Hundred and Two (5,102) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Five (35) votes
Total Five Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-Seven (5,137) votes
Auditor of State - Rep
Todd Halbur Received Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Two (2,832) votes
Mary Ann Hanusa Received Two Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-Two (2,122) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-One (31) votes
Total Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Five (4,985) votes
Treasurer of State - Rep
Roby Smith Received Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven (4,867) votes
Scattering Received Forty (40) votes
Total Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Seven (4,907) votes
Secretary of Agriculture - Rep
Mike Naig Received Five Thousand and Sixty-Eight (5,068) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-One (31) votes
Total Five Thousand and Ninety-Nine (5,099) votes
Attorney General - Rep
Brenna Bird Received Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Nine (4,849) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Nine (39) votes
Total Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Eight (4,888) votes
State Senator District 1 - Rep
Rocky De Witt Received Two Thousand Two Hundred and Fourteen (2,214) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Four (24) votes
Total Two Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight (2,238) votes
State Senator District 7 - Rep
Kevin Alons Received Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Two (2,782) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Four (24) votes
Total Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Six (2,806) votes
State Representative District 1 - Rep
Scattering Received Thirty-One (31) votes
Total Thirty-One (31) votes
State Representative District 2 - Rep
Robert Henderson Received One Thousand Four Hundred and Eleven (1,411) votes
Scattering Received Nine (9) votes
Total One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty (1,420) votes
State Representative District 13 - Rep
Ken E. Carlson Received Five Hundred and Seventy-Three (573) votes
Mark Peters Received Three Hundred and Fifty-Three (353) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Total Nine Hundred and Twenty-Eight (928) votes
State Representative District 14 - Rep
Jacob Bossman Received One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Two (1,972) votes
Scattering Received Seventeen (17) votes
Total One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Nine (1,989) votes
County Board of Supervisors District 2 - Rep
Daniel A. Bittinger II Received Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-Nine (4,729) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Six (36) votes
Total Four Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty-Five (4,765) votes
We therefore declare :
Daniel A. Bittinger II to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 2 - Rep.
County Board of Supervisors District 4 - Rep
Matthew A. Ung Received Five Thousand One Hundred and Thirty (5,130) votes
Scattering Received Fifty-Two (52) votes
Total Five Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-Two (5,182) votes
We therefore declare :
Matthew A. Ung to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 4 - Rep.
County Treasurer - Rep
Tina M. Bertrand Received Five Thousand and Seventy (5,070) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-One (31) votes
Total Five Thousand One Hundred and One (5,101) votes
We therefore declare :
Tina M. Bertrand to be duly nominated for the office of County Treasurer - Rep.
County Attorney - Rep
Jacklyn Fox Received Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy (2,870) votes
James D. Loomis Received Three Thousand and Twelve (3,012) votes
Scattering Received Nine (9) votes
Total Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Ninety-One (5,891) votes
We therefore declare :
James D. Loomis to be duly nominated for the office of County Attorney - Rep.
Motion by Radig second by Taylor to receive for signatures the canvass of the Primary Election held on June 7, 2022. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Information was presented by Heartland Greenway on proposed carbon capture project.
Motion by Radig second by Taylor to receive information for the Heartland Greenway proposed carbon capture project. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by De Witt second by Radig to approve the final pay voucher for project #STP-S-CO97(134)—5E-97. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by De Witt to approve the project agreement for project #NHSX-020-19(175)—3H-97. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by De Witt second by Radig to receive for signatures a Resolution for the Establishment of a Yield Sign at the Intersection of 310th St. and Cass Avenue. Carried 5-0.
WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 321.255 and 321.236 (1C)(6) of the 2021 Code of Iowa, the Board of Supervisors and County Engineer are empowered to designate the location and erection of stop and yield signs,
AND WHEREAS, the County Board and County Engineer may designate certain roads as through roads with the erection of stop or yield signs at specified locations furnishing access thereto or designation of any intersection as a stop or yield intersection and erect like signs at one or more locations of access to such intersections.
AND WHEREAS, traffic through the intersection discussed herein is unregulated now and sometimes endangered due the seasonal growth of crops at the subject intersection,
AND WHEREAS, there are currently no signs controlling traffic at the intersection,
AND WHEREAS, it is deemed a safety hazard to allow the traffic to move without some control of traffic movement,
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County on this 14th day of June 2022, recognize as official the location of a yield sign at the intersections described below:
1. Located at the intersection of Cass Avenue and 310th Street, causing traffic travelling south on Cass Avenue to be directed to yield to traffic on 310th Street.
Motion by Radig second by Ung to approve the proposal for technical and advisory services for the Administration of American Rescue Plan Act Program and Master Services Agreement with UHY Consulting, Inc. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Information was presented about the partnership with St. Luke’s/Unity Point to enhance EMT, Paramedic, and Ambulance Coverage in Woodbury County. Copy filed.
Reports on committee meetings were heard.
Deb Main, Charles Avenue, Gayle Palmquist, Lawton, and Jim Coyler, Sgt. Bluff, addressed the Board about pipeline proposals in Woodbury County.
Board concerns were heard.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until June 21, 2022.
Meeting sign in sheet. Copy filed.
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