Maintenance Services

  • Building Automation Controls
  • HVAC Mechanical Systems
  • Electrical Systems Repair
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • State/Vendor Inspections
  • Light Construction
  • Groundkeeping
  • Tax Delinquent Properties
  • Office Reconfigurations
  • Conference Room Set-Up
  • Record Storage/Retrieval

Custodial Services

  • Facilities Daily Cleaning
  • Juvenile Detention Cleaning
  • Carpeted Surfaces Deep Cleaning
  • Hard Surfaces Floor Maintenance
  • Confidential Document Destruction
  • Outbreak Sanitation (Influenza/Pandemic)
  • Supplies and Inventory

Capital Improvement Projects

  • Annual CIP budget Estimations
  • Woodbury County Project Quotes & Bid Requirements
  • Iowa Chapter 26 Bid Law Requirements
  • Architectural & Engineering Contracts
  • Project Management & Oversight
  • Project Invoices, Payments, Processing, & Documentation

Other Services

  • County Personal Property Dispositions
  • County/State Secure Documents Destruction
  • Iowa Judicial System Office's Assistance
  • Iowa Department of Human Services Assistance
  • 20-Year Capital Improvements Projection Planning

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This content was printed from the County website at on July 27, 2024.